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Abstract Title: Take My Survey, Please!: Comparison of Survey Response Rates Across Four Administration Factors
Abstract: This poster identifies modes of assessment administration which produce the highest response rates. The analysis compares the response rates of students who answered both the "Sources of Self-Efficacy in Science Courses" and CLASS surveys administered at Florida International University between Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. The survey administrations, given as both a pre- and post-course surveys, included four factors: two survey formats (paper or online), an incentive (extra credit from the professor or no extra credit), email notifications (two different versions), and follow-up reminders (email, in person, or none). We present findings of this analysis and make recommendations to help streamline their survey administration processes and maximize response rates.

Supported by NSF Grant #0802184
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Natan Samuels
11200 SW 8 ST
Miami, FL 33199
and Co-Presenter(s)
Laura Rodriguez (FIU - lrodr061 -at- fiu.edu), Eric Brewe (FIU - eric.brewe -at- gmail.com), Laird Kramer (FIU - kramerl -at- fiu.edu)