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Abstract Title: Student Perceptions of an Introductory Laboratory Course
Abstract: We surveyed students taking an introductory university physics laboratory course over the summer. These students are science majors, but not physics majors. 47 students completed a written questionnaire, and 18 of those students were interviewed. Student perceptions of the purpose of the lab course and about what they liked and did not like about the course will be shared. These lead to implications for instruction and implications for improving communication among faculty, teaching assistants, and students.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jennifer Blue
Miami University
Department of Physics
133 Culler Hall
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-1380
Fax: 513--529-569
and Co-Presenter(s)
Joshua Jacob
Miami University alum
jacobjw2 -at- gmail.com