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Abstract Title: Examining Change Strategies in University STEM Education
Abstract: Calls for change in STEM education have been made for over a decade. Yet change is hard to initiate, and difficult to sustain. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms that facilitate change in instruction in higher education, we surveyed existing literature that describes reform in STEM education. Through examining the strategies that researchers adopted, two dimensions of change strategies emerged: 1) change strategies either seek to impact individuals or the environments and structures; 2) the intended change outcome is either prescribed or emergent. With the aid of extra coding categories, we were able to better study the differences and similarities of the approaches adopted by researchers in three different fields: STEM education, higher education, and faculty development. In this talk we will present some of the results and discuss some implications for how to effectively promote change in STEM education.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Andrea Beach
Western Michingan University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Yuhfen Lin, Charles Henderson, Noah D Finkelstein