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Abstract Title: How to think and talk like a physicist?
Abstract: This targeted poster session will focus on projects involving the use of curriculum materials as well as class discussion techniques that will enhance student critical and reflective thinking skills.  How can we facilitates a learning environment to assist student to think and talk like a physicist: pursue relevant and reliable knowledge, ask insightful questions, gather relevant information, reason logically from this information, and come to scientific conclusions about the world?  We will report on our efforts, success, and challenges in engaging students in such activities.
Abstract Type: Targeted Poster Session

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Homeyra Sadaghiani
California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Physics Department
3801 West Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
Phone: (909)869-5194

Targeted Poster Session Specific Information

Poster 1 Title: Developing Thinking & Problem Solving  Skills  in Introductory Mechanics
Poster 1 Authors: Vincent P. Coletta and Jeffrey A. Phillips
Department of Physics, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA
Poster 2 Title: Critical and Scientific Thinking for Pre-service Elementary Teachers
Poster 2 Authors: Homeyra R. Sadaghiani, Physics Department, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Poster 3 Title: Promoting and Studying Deep-level Dialogue During Large-lecture Intro Physics
Poster 3 Authors: Dedra Demaree, Sissi Li, and Jennifer Roth, Physics Department, Oregon State University
Poster 4 Title: Encouraging Scientific Discourse in the Introductory Physics Classroom
Poster 4 Authors: Charles De Leone, Physics department, California State University San Marcos
Poster 5 Title: Structuring Classroom Discussion Using Formative Assessment Rubrics
Poster 5 Authors: David Brookes, Physics Department, Florida International University