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PERC 2010 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Upper-division activities that foster “Thinking like a Physicist”
Abstract: In this targeted poster session cum research working group, curriculum developers will each present their favorite upper-division activity to small groups of session participants. The participants will be asked to identify aspects of the activity that engage students in "thinking like a physicist", the in-class actions of the instructor that foster this skill, and the types of resources that students must employ when working with the materials. Then we will compare the activities, looking for common curricular structures and hidden curriculum goals, the differing affordances of different activities, and hopefully, at the end, a rich description of what "thinking like a physicist" might mean and how we can foster this capability in our students. A research paper summarizing the session's conclusions will be written for the proceedings. (Yep, expect videotaping and IRB forms!) This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE 0618877.
Abstract Type: Targeted Poster Session

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Corinne A. Manogue
Oregon State University
Weniger 301
Department of Physics
Corvallis, OR 97331-6507
Phone: 541-737-1695
Fax: 541-737-1683
and Co-Presenter(s)
Elizabeth Gire, Kansas State University
Emily van Zee, Oregon State University

Targeted Poster Session Specific Information

Poster 1 Title: Applying ISLE ideas to Active Engagement in the Spins Paradigm
Poster 1 Authors: Dedra Demaree, Oregon State University
Poster 2 Title: Kinesthetic Activities in Upper-Division Physics Courses
Poster 2 Authors: Elizabeth Gire, Kansas State University
Poster 3 Title: Exploring the Transition Between Quantum and Classical Physics Using Compelling Graphical Representations
Poster 3 Authors: Donald B. Mountcastle, University of Maine
Poster 4 Title: The use of concept tests and peer instruction in upper-division physics
Poster 4 Authors: Steven Pollock, Katherine Perkins, Stephanie Chasteen, Michael Dubson, University of Colorado
Poster 5 Title: Physics thinking in complex analytical calculations
Poster 5 Authors: Edward Price, California State University San Marcos