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Abstract Title: How Students Structure Argument through the Interplay of Claims Made about Phenomena and Instruction
Abstract: Understanding how specific learning environments influence student participation in science classrooms is fundamentally important to physics education research and its efforts at educational reform. Over the past few decades, science education researchers have shown an increased interest in the role that scientific argumentation plays in school science, both as an aspect of authentic scientific practice and as an instructional approach to learning. We report on an ongoing investigation to understand how curricular structures common to physics education shape student participation in scientific inquiry, using student argumentation as a window into classroom participation. In this paper, we provide a brief analysis of students' collaborative arguments during an inquiry lesson on the nature of light in order to illustrate how students' arguments about the physical phenomena interact with the specific claims students make about the lesson, and discuss the impact this has on students' opportunities to participate and learn.

The research has been funded in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. REC-0633951.
Abstract Type: Targeted Poster
Targeted Session: Characterizing Participation in and around the Physics Classroom

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brian W. Frank
University of Maine
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Orono, ME 04469
Phone: 207-581-1025