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PERC 2010 Review Form Statistics

The Editors of the 2010 PERC Proceedings received 89 papers for the peer review section of the 2010 PERC Proceedings. 88 papers were eligible and issued for peer review. 262 of the 267 solicited peer reviews were received. The acceptance rate for the 2010 PERC Proceedings was 78.7% (70/89).

The following data details the use of each category of the 2010 PERC Proceedings Peer Review form.

  1. Interest/Value to the PER Community

    3 selection of 1 (Weak)
    28 selections of 2
    50 selections of 3
    112 selections of 4
    67 selections of 5 (Strong)

  2. Content Novelty

    4 selections of 1 (Weak)
    23 selections of 2
    68 selections of 3
    105 selections of 4
    59 selections of 5 Strong

  3. Strength of Research

    22 selections of 1 (Weak)
    54 selections of 2
    64 selections of 3
    88 selections of 4
    31 selections of 5 Strong

  4. Conclusions

    28 selections of 1 (Weak)
    58 selections of 2
    74 selections of 3
    76 selections of 4
    21 selections of 5 Strong

  5. Organization of Ideas

    8 selections of 1 (Weak)
    27 selections of 2
    53 selections of 3
    96 selections of 4
    74 selections of 5 Strong

  6. Grammar and Formatting

    18 selections of 1 (Weak)
    20 selections of 2
    38 selections of 3
    89 selections of 4
    94 selections of 5 Strong

  7. In the space below, please write your comments, criticisms, and suggestions regarding this paper. If you need additional space, please include your comments in an attached sheet.

    237 Comments Attached

    44 Supplemental Files Attached

  8. Indicate your recommendation for this paper below. Due to the quick turn-around time required, manuscripts that require substantial or content-based modifications will likely be rejected.

    70 selections of Do not Publish
    139 selections of Publish with Minor Modifications
    53 selections of Publish

  9. Do you think that this paper should be considered for the 2010 PERC Award?

    225 selections of No
    31 selections of Yes

Statistics on the use of the 2008 form and the 2009 form are also available.