Name |
Primary Contact |
Abstract Type |
A Comparison of Two Instructional Models Using Contrasting Cases |
Nicole R. Hallinen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Cross-grade Comparison of Student Views about Learning Physics |
Lin Ding |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Framework for Adopting Modeling in Upper-Division Lectures and Labs |
Heather Lewandowski |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Framework for Assessing Learning Assistants’ Reflective Writing Assignments |
Geraldine L. Cochran |
Symposium Poster |
A Framework for Assessing Learning Assistants’ Reflective Writing Assignments |
Geraldine L. Cochran |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Major- and Gender-Dependent Self-Confidence Decline in CLASS Data from MIT Introductory Physics |
Andrew Pawl |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Qualitative Look at The Long Term Effects of Early Enrollment in Physics |
Robert B Lynch |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A Student-Led Whole-Class Discussion Reconciles Friction with the System Schema |
Brant Hinrichs |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A conceptual physics class where students found meaning in calculations |
Michael M. Hull |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A study of postgraduate students in an astrophysics bridging year: Identifying Contradictions in a complex system |
Victoria Nwosu |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
A web-based take-home FCI? |
Lin Ding |
Symposium Poster |
Adaptation of Introductory Physics Computer Coaches: Applications and Design |
Andrew Mason |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Additional Evidence of Far Transfer of Scientific Reasoning Skills Acquired in a Reformed Physics Course |
Wendell H Potter |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Adopting Theories and Methods from Outside PER |
Noah Solomon Podolefsky |
Poster Symposium |
Affordances of Play for Student Agency and Student-centered Pedagogy |
Noah Podolefsky |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Alignment of TAs’ Beliefs with Practice and Student Perception |
Jacquelyn J. Chini |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
An Examination of Expert/Novice Positional Identities in the Disciplines |
Vashti Sawtelle |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
An Expert Path Through a Thermo Maze |
Mary Bridget Kustusch |
Symposium Poster |
An Expert Path Through a Thermo Maze |
Mary Bridget Kustusch |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
An epistemic game for answer making |
Ying Chen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Applying a Framework for Characterizing Physics Teaching Assistants' Beliefs and Practices |
Benjamin T. Spike |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Arrows as Anchors: Conceptual Blending and Student Use of Electric Field Vector Arrows |
Elizabeth Gire |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Assessing Students’ Metacognitive Calibration with Knowledge Surveys |
Beth Lindsey |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Assessing student learning of error propagation in the undergraduate lab |
Brent W. Barker |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Assessing students’ epistemic logic using clause topics during problem comparison |
Frances Mateycik |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Authoring Identity Amidst the Treacherous Terrain of Physics: A Multiracial Feminist Examination of the Journeys of Women of Color |
Angela Johnson |
Symposium Talk |
Beyond the physics classroom: Exploring disciplinary factors that influence students’ reasoning about approximation, through video data |
Danielle Champney |
Workshop |
Building Classroom and Organizational Structure Around Positive Cultural Values |
Joel Corbo |
Symposium Poster |
Building knowledge for teaching: Three cases of physics graduate students |
Brian W Frank |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Can laboratory reform survive the economic downturn? |
Patricia E. Allen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Challenges and opportunities in incorporating PER-based science instruction in engineering-focused curricula in Gulf Arab environment |
Abdel F. Isakovic |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Challenging Traditional Assumptions of Secondary Science through the PET Curriculum |
Mike Ross |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Changes in students' epistemologies |
Timothy Brown |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Changing Classroom Designs: Easy; Changing Instructors’ Pedagogies: Not So Easy… |
Nathaniel Lasry |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Characterizing Consensus about the Definition of a Physics Model |
Gina Quan |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Characterizing students’ use of resources in physics integration problems |
Dehui Hu |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Comparing Physics and Mathematics Problems |
Dyan Jones |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Comparing Student Conceptual Understanding of Thermodynamics in Physics and Engineering |
Jessica W. Clark |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Comparing the Use of Animations and Written Solutions in Facilitating Problem Solving |
Neelam Khan |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Computational Modeling as a Promoter of Cognitive Transfer: Pilot Study |
Scott S Douglas |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Computationally Native Epistemic Games |
Brandon Lunk |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Conceptual Blending in Physics Problem Solving |
Alex Barr |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Conserving energy in physics and society: Creating an integrated model of energy and the second law of thermodynamics |
Abigail Daane |
Symposium Poster |
Conserving energy in physics and society: Creating an integrated model of energy and the second law of thermodynamics |
Abigail Daane |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Considering factors beyond transfer of knowledge across disciplines |
Eric Kuo |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Constructing conceptual meaning from a popular scientific article – The case of E=mc2 |
Shulamit Kapon |
Symposium Talk |
Contrasting students’ understanding of electric field and electric force |
Alejandro Garza |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Cookies as agents for community membership |
Idaykis Rodriguez |
Symposium Poster |
Core graduate physics courses: A missed learning opportunity? |
Chandralekha Singh |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Correlation between FCI Gains and the Level of Interactive Engagement in the Calculus-Based Mechanics Course |
Philip W. Young |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Coupling Identity and Epistemology to Explain Differences in Learning Experiences |
Ayush Gupta |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Coupling epistemology and identity in explaining student interest in science |
Jennifer Richards |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Critical Classroom Structures for Empowering Students to Participate in Science |
Shelly Belleau |
Symposium Poster |
Cross-Concept Inventory Research Starting with the Force Concept Inventory |
Teri Reed-Rhoads |
Symposium Poster |
Cultural Influences on Physics Teaching: Identifying Factors, Implementing Change |
Natan Samuels |
Poster Symposium |
Cultural Toolkits in the Urban Physics Learning Community |
Mel Sabella |
Symposium Poster |
Cultural perspectives on curriculum design for Gulf Arab students using PER-based instructional strategies. |
George Wesley Hitt |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Cultural variations in epistemological orientations: Impacts on knowledge, meanings, and reasoning about the natural world |
Megan Bang |
Plenary |
Defining "research validation" for PER users and researchers |
Sarah B. McKagan |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Department-Level Change Initiatives: Using Social Network Analysis to Understand the Hidden Structure of Academic Departments |
Kathleen Quardokus |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Developing Pre-flight Tutorials for Matter & Interactions |
Andrew S, Hirsch |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Developing a Comprehensive, Multifaceted Assessment for Laboratory Courses |
William Sams |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Developing student's scientific literacy |
Jeffrey Marx |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Development and Validation of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics |
Benjamin Zwickl |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Development of an inquiry-based module on energy for precollege teachers |
Brian M Stephanik |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Difficulties of Selected Physics and General Science Students of Philippine Normal University in Electricity and Magnetism |
Jasmine Angelie V. Albelda |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Dimensions of a learning progression for the formation of the Solar System |
Julia Plummer |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Dispatches from the Front Lines: Evidenced Takeaways for Politics and Policy |
Rachel Kachchaf |
Symposium Talk |
Diversity of Faculty Practice in Workshop Classrooms |
Scott Franklin |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Do Common Exam Question Scores Vary Significantly Between Different Modes of Instruction? |
Amber Frazier |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Do You Show What You Know? An Examination of Physics Teachers Subject Matter Structures and Their Classroom Practices |
Stephen Bartos |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Do perceptually salient elements in physics problems influence students’ eye movements and answer choices? |
Adrian Madsen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Does requiring online Mastering Physics homework improve student learning? |
Norma M. Chase |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Doing it wrong the first time: effectiveness of incorrect solution steps in video based problem solving examples |
Theodore Horton |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effect of Online Pretests on Performance in Inquiry Based Physics |
Andrew W. Dougherty |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effect of Paper Color on Physics Exam Performance |
David R Schmidt |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effect of Science Professional Development Program on Classroom Instruction |
Jennifer L. Esswein |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effect of contextual variations on student responses to questions about an open DC circuit comprising a battery and a single resistive element |
Ignatius John |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effect of cooperative learning according to the capability of the students |
David Mendez |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Effortful and Effortless Conceptual Blending |
Eleanor C Sayre |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Engagement of clicker users in introductory and upper-division physics courses |
Patrick B. Kohl |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Establishing Reliability and Validity: an Ongoing Process |
Rebecca Lindell |
Symposium Poster |
Evaluation of a multiple goal revision of a physics lab |
Scott Bonham |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Evaluation work for QuVis: The Quantum Mechanics Visualization project |
Antje Kohnle |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Evidence of Change in Teacher Pedagogy Observed Through a Cogenerative Process |
Kimberley Barnes |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Evidence of Embodied Cognition via Speech and Gesture Complementarity |
Evan Chase |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Evidence of epistemological framing in survey question misinterpretation |
Paul Hutchison |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Examining the integration of physics equations in students’ biological reasoning |
Jessica Watkins |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Expanding access to assessing conceptual understanding: ciHUB.org, a virtual community supporting conceptual learning |
P.K. Imbrie |
Symposium Poster |
Exploring Student Difficulties with Buoyancy |
DJ Wagner |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Exploring Student Difficulties with Pressure in a Fluid |
Matthew Goszewski |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Exploring design in the introductory physics laboratory |
Jason E. Dowd |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Eye-gaze patterns while interpreting kinematics graphs |
Jennifer Docktor |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Factors Contributing to CLASS Shifts in a General Education Physics Course |
David Donnelly |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Finding a Home for All of Myself: Intersectionality in Identity Formation for Women of Color in Physics |
Apriel K Hodari |
Talk Symposium |
Group Work and Immediate Feedback in Assessments |
Joss Ives |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Helping American middle & high school science teachers to change to formative assessment |
Bill Schmitt |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
How a Gender Gap in Belonging Contributes to the Gender Gap in Physics Participation |
Jane Stout |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
How an active-learning class influences physics self-efficacy in pre-service teachers |
Jon D. H. Gaffney |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Identifying Student Difficulties with Conflicting Ideas in Statistical Mechanics |
Trevor I. Smith |
Symposium Poster |
Identifying Student Difficulties with Conflicting Ideas in Statistical Mechanics |
Trevor I. Smith |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Identifying community structure in multiple networks: Academic and social aspects of learning behaviour |
Jesper Bruun |
Symposium Poster |
Identifying identity: Using video analysis to track the dynamics of students' identities in the learning of physics |
Luke Conlin |
Workshop |
Identities in identity research in science education: What should we study? |
Minjung Ryu |
Symposium Poster |
Identity and Belonging: Experiences of a Black Woman Physicist |
Katemari Rosa |
Symposium Talk |
Identity and belonging: Are you a physicist (chemist)? |
Sissi L. Li |
Symposium Poster |
Impact of Inquiry PD on In-service Teaching |
Bruce R Patton |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Impact of the Learning Assistant model on DFW rates in Introductory Physics Courses |
George Ortiz |
Symposium Poster |
Impact of the Learning Assistant model on DFW rates in Introductory Physics Courses |
George Ortiz |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Impacting University Physics Students Through Participation in Informal Science |
Kathleen Hinko |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Impacts of curricular change: 8 years of conceptual survey data from introductory physics. |
Steven Pollock |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Implicit Scaffolding: Blending Vygotsky with Human Computer Interaction |
Noah Podolefsky |
Symposium Poster |
Improving physics instruction by analyzing video games |
Ian D. Beatty |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Increasing the Impact of Educational Innovations: PI and PD views of Successful Dissemination |
Raina Khatri |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Innovations and Issues with Conceptual Assessments |
Rebecca S Lindell |
Poster Symposium |
Instructional Changes Based on Cogenerative Physics Reform |
Natan Samuels |
Symposium Poster |
Instructor Expectations of Undergraduate Students Entering Quantum Mechanics |
Christopher Oakley |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Instructor Prompting Mechanisms and Student Participation in a Reformed Classroom |
Maria Paula Angarita |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Instructors' Use of Specific Design Features in Example Solutions |
Edit Yerushalmi |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Instructor’s Goals for Using Example Solutions for Introductory Physics |
William Mamudi |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Integrating Numerical Computation in the Modeling Instruction Curriculum |
John M. Aiken |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Interactive Learning in French University Physics Classrooms |
Alexander L. Rudolph |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Introduction of Physics Studio Teaching in Panama |
Azael Barrera |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigating Patterns and Use of Students’ Self-Created Equation Sheets |
Bijaya Aryal |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigating Students' Affective Experience in Introductory Physics Courses |
Jayson Nissen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigating inconsistencies in student reasoning approaches |
Mila Kryjevskaia |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigating student ability to apply basic electrostatics concepts to conductors |
Ryan L C Hazelton |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigating students' understanding of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus |
Rabindra R. Bajracharya |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Investigation of Students’ Understanding of Magnetic Forces and Problem-Solving Skills |
Archana Dubey |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Is Conceptual Understanding Compromised by a Problem-Solving Emphasis in an Introductory Physics Course? |
Gerald Feldman |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Is There a Relationship Between Students' Spatial Ability and Success in STEM Courses? |
Ximena Cid |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Isaac's theory of wheels: A third-grade class's stability in doing science |
Jennifer Radoff |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
It Is Never Too Early: Exposing First Graders To Physical Science |
Homeyra Sadaghiani |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
LA Model Variation and Emulation: Toward a National Research Agenda? |
Valerie Otero |
Poster Symposium |
Leadership and Followership in Cooperative Group Development |
Eric Page |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Learning Mathematics in Physics Context |
Jing Wang |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Learning about anthropogenic climate change |
Gordon J. Aubrecht, II |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Learning assistants in University Physics: Initial replication results and effect on underrepresented populations |
Paul M. Miller |
Symposium Poster |
Learning assistants in University Physics: Initial replication results and effect on underrepresented populations |
Paul M. Miller |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Leveraging nanotubes to tackle low student motivation in vectors and coordinate systems in intro physics |
Dedra Demaree |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Logistics of (Inter)National Database of Assessment Results |
DJ Wagner |
Roundtable Discussion |
Matching the context of learning and assessment |
Heather A. Rave |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Mathematical vs. Conceptual Understanding in Introductory Physics: Where do we draw the line? |
Homeyra Sadaghiani |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Measuring the impact an instructor's words has on student engagement and responses |
Dedra Demaree |
Symposium Poster |
Methodology and/or Technology: Making Difference in Improving Students’ Problem Solving Skills |
Zdeslav Hrepic |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Modeling Middle Student Learning with Cognitive Developmental Psychology |
Nicole Hallinen |
Symposium Poster |
Motivating students to take the less-travelled road to deep learning |
Yuhfen Lin |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Motivation and Learning |
Vincent Coletta |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Multidimensional Student Skills from Collaborative Filtering |
Yoav Bergner |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Nanotechnology in Science Club |
Choojit Sarapak |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Narratives of the Double Bind: Intersectionality in Life Stories of Women of Color in Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy |
Lily Ko |
Symposium Talk |
Nested coordinates in graphical representations in physics |
Hunter G Close |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
New ways of investigating the canonical ball toss problem |
Michael C. Wittmann |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Next Generation Science Standards and the Physics Education Research Community |
Scott Bonham |
Roundtable Discussion |
Obscuring power structures in the physics classroom: Implications for student engagement and physics identity development |
Zahra Hazari |
Symposium Poster |
Old Philosophy for New Research: John Dewey’s ideas and deliberations in PER |
Vaz, Arnaldo M |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Oops, I think I've Flipped my Classroom |
Michael Dugdale |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
POOLkits: Applying Object-Oriented Principles to Physics Object-Oriented Learning |
Thomas James Kassebaum |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Physics career intentions: The effect of physics identity, math identity, and gender |
Robynne M. Lock |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Physics learning identity of a successful student: a plot twist |
Sissi L. Li |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Pilot Testing of the Modeling Instruction Curriculum |
Jared Durden |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Postgraduate researchers experiences of nanotechnology research - a phenomenological examination |
Deepa Chari |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Practice-Linked Identities, Social identities, and Mathematics Learning |
Indigo Esmonde |
Plenary |
Predicting FCI Gain with a Nonverbal Intelligence Test |
Matthew Semak |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Preliminary investigations of physical science teacher content knowledge and PCK |
Daniel Laverty |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Probing Students' Conceptions About Rolling in Different Contexts |
N. Sanjay Rebello |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Probing utility of Bloom’s taxonomy in physics |
Mila Kryjevskaia |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Promoting Student Agency and Communication in an Informal Science Program |
Rosemary Wulf |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Promoting proximal formative assessment with relational discourse |
Rachel Scherr |
Symposium Poster |
Quest in the Physics Classroom |
Anne Tabor-Morris |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Reading computational code to inform predictions of time-varying computational models |
Shawn Weatherford |
Symposium Talk |
Reading of scientific texts as means of exposing students to authentic disciplinary practices |
Shulamit Kapon |
Talk Symposium |
Reflective Discourse Techniques: From in-class discussions to out-of-classroom problem solving |
Wendi Wampler |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Regression analysis exploring teacher impact on student FCI post scores |
Jonathan Mahadeo |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Representing Energy for a Physics of Processes & Causation |
Leslie J. Atkins |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Research on students' coherence-seeking across disciplinary boundaries |
Chandra Turpen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Research on the learning and teaching of Thermodynamics: Insight from many perspectives |
Warren Christensen |
Poster Symposium |
Research-Based Materials and Assessments for Upper-Division Electrodynamics |
Charles Baily |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Revealing Students’ Preconceptions in DC Circuits: A Preliminary Study |
Krista E. Wood |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Rigging your Card Games – Differentiating Expert from Novice |
Steven Wolf |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Role of Assessment Type on Gender Disparity in Undergraduate Physics Performance |
Robyn Donnelly |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Scaffolding Students’ Understanding of Force in Pulley Systems |
Amy Rouinfar |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Science Education Internships for the Professional Development of Noyce Scholars at Chicago State University: Affordances and Constraints |
Andrea G. Van Duzor |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Self-Efficacy in Introductory Physics in Students at Single-Sex and Coeducational Colleges |
Jennifer Blue |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Shaping Identity through Membership in Communities |
Vashti Sawtelle |
Poster Symposium |
Sines and Signs - Student difficulties with trigonometric vector component problems |
Brendon Mikula |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Six Degrees: Social Network Analysis in PER |
Eric Brewe |
Symposium Poster |
Social Hierarchies and Accessibility in Physics |
Geoff Potvin |
Poster Symposium |
Student Conceptual Understanding of Electrostatic Potentials and Views About Learning |
Wendy Adams |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Student Difficulties in Translating between Mathematical and Graphical Representations in Introductory Physics |
Shih-Yin Lin |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Student Expectations in a Group Learning Activity on Harmonic Motion |
Adam Kaczynski |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Student distinctions between ‘force-of-motion’ and net force in various contexts |
Rebecca Rosenblatt |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Student interactions leading to learning and transfer: A participationist perspective |
Alexander Moncion |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Student-teacher interactions for bringing out student ideas about energy |
Benedikt W. Harrer |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students Use of Diagrammatic Representations as Sense-making Tools |
Antoinette Stone |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Affective and Conceptual Shifts in the Transformation of an Electric Potential Lab |
May Lee |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Interdisciplinary Reasoning about "High-Energy Bonds" and ATP |
Benjamin W. Dreyfus |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Reasoning about Interdisciplinarity |
Benjamin Geller |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Understanding of Density: A Cognitive Linguistics Perspective |
Philip Southey |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Use Of Real-World Knowledge During Collaborative Physics Problem Solving |
Mathew Martinuk |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' Use of Resources in Understanding Solar Cells |
AJ Richards |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students' comprehension of a research article adapted for an interdisciplinary high school program |
Elon Langbeheim |
Symposium Talk |
Students’ Categories of Mental Representations and Handling of Multiple External Representations |
Bashirah Ibrahim |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students’ Difficulties Interpreting the Torque Vector in a Physical Situation |
Pablo Barniol |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students’ Response Patterns to Research Tasks With Alternative Questioning Formats |
Jeffrey Hawkins |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Students’ Understanding of Dot Product as a Projection in No-context, Work and Electric Flux Problems |
Genaro Zavala |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Supporting and Sustaining the Holistic Development of Students into Practicing Physicists |
Corinne A. Manogue |
Workshop |
Supporting scientific writing and evaluation in a conceptual physics course with Calibrated Peer Review |
Edward Price |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Surveys Fail to Measure Grasp of Scientific Practice |
Irene Salter |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Switching Behavior in the Peer Instruction Classroom |
Kelly Miller |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Tapping into sophomores' understanding of classical mechanics: The Colorado Classical Mechanics/math methods Instrument (CCMI) |
Rachel E. Pepper |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Teaching Graphs in Introductory Physics: Interpretation vs. Construction |
James T. Laverty |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Teaching assistants’ interactions with their students: Examining methods for data analysis |
Meghan J Westlander |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Teaching to Learn: Exploring the Experiences of First-Time Learning Assistants |
Kara E. Gray |
Symposium Poster |
Teaching to Learn: Exploring the Experiences of First-Time Learning Assistants |
Kara E. Gray |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Textbook Design: An Exploration of Pedagogical Properties |
Juan R. Burciaga |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Big Ideas in Cosmology: Investigating Student Understanding and Developing a Research-Based Curriculum |
Kim Coble |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Dependence of Instructional Outcomes on Students' Individual Differences: An Example from Simple DC Circuits |
Thomas M. Scaife |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Effects of Autonomy on the Student Experience In Introductory Physics |
Nicholas Hall |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Next Generation Science Standards: To What Extent are Modern Physics Concepts Included? |
Tugba Yuksel |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The North American Network of Science Labs Online (NANSLO) |
Todd Ruskell |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Pre-Health iCollaborative Project: How can AAPT and PER help? |
Patricia E. Allen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The Research Subfield Choice of Women in Academic Physics: A Pilot Study |
Ramón S. Barthelemy |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The effect of research-based instruction in introductory physics on a common cognitive bias |
Ross Galloway |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The impact of visual representation on knowledge activation during problem solving |
Zhongzhou Chen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The influence of students on the practices of new faculty implementing research-based instructional strategies |
Melissa Dancy |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
The role of affect in stabilizing inquiry |
Lama Jaber |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
They still remember what I never taught them |
Michael Loverude |
Symposium Poster |
They still remember what I never taught them |
Michael Loverude |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
To Use or Not to Use Diagrams: The Effect of Drawing a Diagram in Solving Introductory Physics Problems |
Alexandru Maries |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Towards Modeling Instruction – Biology: Adapting curricular frameworks from physics to biology |
Seth Manthey |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Towards a framework on the use of mathematics in physics |
Marcos D. Caballero |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Transfer of Argumentation Skills in Physics Problem Solving |
Carina M. Rebello |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Understanding Student Computational Thinking with Computational Modeling |
John M. Aiken |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Understanding the Learning Assistant experience with Physics Identity |
Eleanor Close |
Symposium Poster |
Understanding the Learning Assistant experience with Physics Identity |
Eleanor Close |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Upper level physics students conceptions of understanding |
Paul Irving |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Upper-division student understanding of Coulomb’s Law: Difficulties with continuous charge distributions |
Bethany Wilcox |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Using Activity Theory to Understand Technology in the Classroom |
Edward Price |
Symposium Poster |
Using Cluster Analysis to Identify Intellectually Similar Groups of Students |
John Stewart |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Using Screencasting on iPads to Alter High School Student Roles |
Ben Van Dusen |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Using collaborative group exams to measure students’ ability to learn |
David T. Brookes |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Using internet based computer coaches for introductory physics problem-solving |
Qing Xu |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Using scientists' notebooks to foster authentic scientific practices |
Leslie J. Atkins |
Symposium Talk |
Using student notecards as an epistemological lens |
Timothy McCaskey |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Utilization of Hands-on and Simulation Activities for Teaching Middle School Lunar Concepts |
Reni Roseman |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Variation Of Pretest Results From Dozens Of Classes And Thousands Of Students |
Paula Heron |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Vectors in the time of scalar instruction |
Daryl McPadden |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Video Analysis Workshop: Reconciling cognitivist and interaction analysis methodologies |
Ayush Gupta |
Workshop |
Welcome to America, Welcome to College: Comparing the effects of immigrant generation and college generation on physical science career intentions |
Florin Lung |
Symposium Poster |
What Do Students Think "Thinking Like A Physicist" Means |
Brinkley Mathews |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
What Do We Really Mean By That Word? Identifying Skills in the Work of Categorizing and Defining |
Angela Little |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
What can middle school students teach us about effective simulation design? |
Ariel Paul |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
When Everyday and Scientific Concepts Grow Into One Another: Syncretic and Connected Learning |
Kris D. Gutiérrez |
Plenary |
When Former LAs Teach the LA Pedagogy Course: An insider's perspective |
Ian Her Many Horses |
Symposium Poster |
When Former LAs Teach the LA Pedagogy Course: An insider's perspective |
Ian Her Many Horses |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Where do physics students come from and what do they become? A look at knowledge and identity pathways through and beyond school experience |
Reed Stevens |
Plenary |
Why is This Sentence True: A Study of Learning to Read a Textbook |
Robert Zisk |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
Winter Break Effect in CLASS |
Tom Carter |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
“Because it hibernates faster”: 3rd grade English Language Learners making sense of sound |
Enrique Suarez |
Contributed Poster Presentation |
“Learning Arc”: The Process of Resolving Concerns through Student-Student Discourse |
Sean Stewart |
Contributed Poster Presentation |