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Abstract Title: The role of representations in research-based instructional practice in physics
Abstract: Decades of physics education research and of research-based instructional practice have demonstrated convincingly the crucial role played by multiple representations in the learning of physics. Conceptual understanding is both reflected in and promoted by facility in the use of graphical, mathematical, diagrammatic, and verbal representations as well as in the ability to translate between and among different representations. Similarly, familiarity with topic-specific representations such as PV diagrams, free-body diagrams, motion graphs, and field-vector and potential-line diagrams is virtually indispensable for thorough understanding of particular concepts. I will review examples of research that illustrate some of the learning issues that arise with use of multiple representations, and will present examples of instructional strategies that have proved effective in guiding students to deeper understanding through use of representations in different contexts.

*Supported in part by NSF DUE #0817282 and DUE #1256333
Abstract Type: Symposium Poster
Targeted Session: Facilitating thinking and learning in physics classrooms

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: David E. Meltzer
Arizona State University