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Abstract Title: New developments in high school labs
Abstract: This session is dedicated to the discussion of the new developments in high school physics labs. Specifically, we will focus on the changes that are occurring in the laboratory instruction due to the NGSS and the revisions of AP courses. We will also present examples of collaboration between universities and high schools in the area of instructional laboratories and its effects on student learning. Presenters in the session are high school physics teachers and university faculty.
Abstract Type: Parallel session: Talk Symposium

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Eugenia Etkina
Rutgers University
10 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 7326905284

Symposium Specific Information

Discussant: TBD
Moderator: Eugenia Etkina
Presentation 1 Title: An Overview of the New AP Physics Lab Guide
Presentation 1 Authors: Martha Lietz
Niles West High School; Skokie, Illinois
Presentation 1 Abstract: The new AP Physics 1 and 2 Courses focus on deep, conceptual understanding and inquiry-based learning through labs.  At least 25% of course time should be spent on hands-on laboratory work, and the majority of that should be guided or open inquiry.  To support teachers in this endeavor, the College Board has published a document titled "AP Physics 1 and 2 Inquiry-Based Lab Investigations: A Teacher's Manual."  This talk will highlight the development, intent and content of this lab manual.
Presentation 2 Title: Assessment AP Physics Laboratory Investigations
Presentation 2 Authors: Dolores Gende, AP Physics teacher
Pine Crest School
Fort Lauderdale, FL
College Board Advisor to the AP Physics 1 Development Committee
Presentation 2 Abstract: This talk will introduce the Science Practices as a guide to describe the knowledge and skills that students should learn and demonstrate through laboratory investigations in the AP Physics 1 and 2 courses. A key element of the assessment of laboratory investigations in the new courses is the process of scientific argumentation: the justifications of claims by using evidence and reasoning. The discussion will include examples of how the lab-based questions on the 2015 AP Exam were assessed.
Presentation 3 Title: Starting an Inquiry Based Laboratory Exercise and the Science Practices
Presentation 3 Authors: Jeff Funkhouser
Science Dept Chair, Physics Instructor
Greenhill School
Presentation 3 Abstract: This presentation will take participants through the introduction of an actual pre-lab session for a mid-year exercise that introduces students to elements of springs while using pre-developed concepts from kinematics, dynamics, and energy storage and transfer. After the introduction, key highlights from the AP Physics 1 and Physics 2 Science Practices will be identified that students would use within the context of such an experience. Connections to future units in oscillatory motion and mechanical waves from the AP Physics 1/2 Curriculum Framework will also be identified.
Presentation 4 Title: CIPT Labs: A Vehicle for Improving HS Physics Laboratory Programs and Student Learning
Presentation 4 Authors: Julie Nucci Adjunct Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering   Cornell University; jn28@cornell.edu
Jim Overhiser
Physics Teacher Owego-Apalachin Central School; Teacher in Residence,Dept of  Physics, Cornell University    joverhis@gmail.com
Presentation 4 Abstract: From 2002-2012 the CNS Institute for Physics Teachers (CIPT) at Cornell University offered professional development workshops, graduate courses, and free access to a lending library of over 30 different lab activities co-developed by teachers and Cornell University researchers. From the time the CIPT started keeping lending library statistics in 2005 through the end of the funding period in 2012, there were over 60,000 high school student uses of this lending library hardware nationwide. Survey data shows that teachers overwhelming agreed that participation in CIPT programs and use of CIPT labs improved teacher confidence, instructional practices, attitude toward teaching, and lab program quality. Teachers also reported that their students' confidence, learning, attitude, and course enjoyment increased by doing CIPT labs. The CIPT is a replicable model and lending libraries based on CIPT hardware have been established in the US and internationally. Best practices gained from 10 years experience will be shared.
Presentation 5 Title: Studying student engagement in science practices using their lab reports and lab reflections
Presentation 5 Authors: Danielle Bugge West Windsor-Plainsboro High School, cupquest13@verizon.net
and Eugenia Etkina, Rutgers University, Graduate School of Education, eugenia.etkina@gse.rutgers.edu
Presentation 5 Abstract: Science practices are an integral part of learning science. However, mastering such practices is a complicated process for high school students. Unfamiliarity with inquiry-based environment and open-ended problems that do not have one correct solution is often perceived as frustrating for these learners. How do students cope with these challenges and how long does it take them to become comfortable? We implemented ISLE labs that focus on the development of student scientific abilities in a highs school physics course during one academic year and collected data containing the descriptions of designed experiments and students reflections. The data allowed us to answer questions related to the development of science practices including time required for development of specific abilities as well as the level of proficiency. We also investigated the differences in individual and group reports and students' self-assessment and reflections.