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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: “Tiered,” Conceptual iClicker Recitation Introductions
Abstract: At Purdue University we are testing a method of interactive engagement in an introductory electricity and magnetism course (that has about 300 students per semester, primarily from the engineering departments).  This course has weekly, fifty minute recitations, where students answer sophisticated problems in small groups of three or four. Starting in the Fall of 2013, at the beginning of roughly half of our recitations, we began introducing these sophisticated problems conceptually with series of 4-6 conceptual, "tiered,"  iClicker questions. These series are administered by a graduate teaching assistant during the first fifteen minutes. In the remaining thirty-five minutes, the students continue to use these concepts in their small groups to solve the same problems as their peers in recitations without the iClicker introductions. Our goal is understand which style of recitation is most effective for helping our students learn as measured by BEMA gains and course performance.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: David Blasing
Purdue University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Andrew Hirsch and Rebecca Lindell