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Abstract Title: How Grader Assessment Feedback Affects Student Self-Regulation
Abstract: One aspect of a student's construction of knowledge instructors should be aware of is student self-regulation: an internal process by which students create an effective environment for learning. Instructor feedback, can be a powerful tool used to affect student self-regulation. Furthermore, constructivist-learning theory suggests that strong self-regulators are more efficient learners. Thus, instructors may be able to positively influence students' construction of knowledge by providing grader assessment feedback (GAF) that affects student self-regulation. I compared three different types of GAF used in introductory physics courses and investigated how students use of each GAF impacts student self-regulation. I present preliminary results from a quasi-experimental study indicating whether or not students use GAF and how their use of GAF affects student self-regulation. I will also present results suggesting if students respond differently to different GAF styles. This research will be conducted with undergraduate college students in calculus-based and algebra-based introductory-level physics courses.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Annie Chase
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192
Phone: 5108250427
and Co-Presenter(s)
Cassandra Paul
San Jose State University