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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: What can Normalized Gain reveal about Individual Learning on the FCI?
Abstract: This work investigates whether the class-average normalized gain score is a useful measure of individual student learning on the Force Concept Inventory among students in the author's calculus-based mechanics course.  The concept of normalized gain is a poor description of the learning of students who enter the author's class with pretest scores less than 20, but a reasonable description of the learning of those with pretest scores of 20 or more.  This pretest threshold prompted a study of the impact of misconceptions on gain.  Among the author's students, the presence of certain key misconceptions is correlated with normalized gain achieved.  Some of these misconceptions appear to be remediated by the course, others are not.  Some of the remediated misconceptions seem to reappear after a retention interval.  A future study will investigate whether early intervention addressing these key misconceptions makes the class-average normalized gain score a better description of individual gains.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Andrew Pawl
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
1 University Plaza
Platteville, WI 53818