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Abstract Title: Effects of Visual Cues and Video Solutions on Conceptual Tasks
Abstract: Transfer of learning is a very important objective of education.  However, students usually have difficulties in solving physics transfer tasks with different surface features. Here we investigated if instruction provided using videos which contain detailed explanations to the problems will improve students' performance in tackling near and far tasks. We interviewed students enrolled in an algebra-based physics class. Each interview contains two sets of tasks. In each set students need to solve one initial task, four isomorphic training tasks or two isomorphic training tasks.  Students either watch one video, two videos, and/or receive visual cues depending on the condition to which they are assigned. Next they complete a near transfer task followed by a far transfer task. We compare students' reasoning patterns and correctness in the three conditions.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Tianlong Zu
Department of Physics, Kansas State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Elise Agra, Department of Physics, Kansas State University;

John Hutson, Department of Psychology, Kansas State University;

Lester C. Loschky, Department of Psychology, Kansas State University;

N. Sanjay Rebello, Department of Physics, Kansas State University.