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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Student Ability Reasoning with Multiple Variables for Graphed/Non-Graphed Information
Abstract: Past findings analyzing student difficulties reasoning with data showed that in graphed and pictured cases students were much more likely to incorrectly reason about situations in which a variable has no relationship or an unknown (data is not conclusive) relationship with another variable. Expanding on this, students were given graphs with more data points and multiple trend-lines. Students were also given a larger variety of pictured experiments. Student responses about these more detailed graphs and pictures support original findings and allow for some additional distinctions. In addition, students were asked to create their own graphs. These graphs tended to be either a line-graph with legend, like the graphs given in the original study, or a bar-graph with clusters that showed the third variable. Students' graph style did not affect their ability to answer line-graph questions. Lastly, I present changes to student reasoning and responses from a small teaching intervention.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Rebecca Rosenblatt
Illinois State University
218 Willard Ave
Bloomginton, IL 61701
Phone: 6144609502
and Co-Presenter(s)
James Perrone