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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Lab experiences and students’ ideas about the nature of science
Abstract: This project is part of a collaborative effort to analyze data collected a two-week summer experience for 20 first generation college students and Deaf/Hard-of-hearing pre-first-year students at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The summer experience, part of the IMPRESS (Integrating Metacognitive Practices and Research to Ensure Student Success) Program, improves students' metacognitive skills and sense of community through experimentation, model-building, and reflection. Our data includes video of students experimenting and discussing models for climate change, as well as reflective discussions with small and large groups. We use students' Brief, Embedded, Spontaneous Metacognitive (BESM) Talk to examine the students' characterization of science, along with the ways students uniquely contributed to their group. This analysis aims to improve the understanding of the relation between students' expectations of experimentation and the way they think and reflect about scientific processes.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Noah-Kee Marks
Kansas State University
116 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, 66506
Phone: 7853135039
and Co-Presenter(s)
Martha Rangel
Kansas State University

Charles Bertram
Rochester Institute of Technology

Rita Dawod
DePaul University

Scott V. Franklin
Rochester Institute of Technology

Mary Bridget Kustusch
DePaul University

Corey Ptak
Rochester Institute of Technology

Eleanor C. Sayre
Kansas State University