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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Research-based Concept Inventories on PhysPort’s Data Explorer
Abstract: Research-based concept inventories, like the FCI or BEMA, are tools for instructional change.  To increase the efficacy of these tools, faculty need to compare their students' scores to students like theirs: historical data from their own instruction, data from other institutions like theirs, and data from similar teaching methods. Ordinary faculty don't have time to delve into diverse research literature to find comparison data, which may not even match their instructional environments.  The research record oversamples research-intensive universities; most physics students enroll at community colleges, small schools, and regional comprehensives. At PhysPort, we are engaged in multiple complementary efforts to help faculty use and understand research-based assessment. PhysPort's Data Explorer is a tool that can be used by instructors at any institution to calculate and compare scores on concept inventories.  We conduct research on how faculty interact with the Data Explorer and the rest of PhysPort.  Instructors appreciated the ease of use and the ability to visualize grade distributions as well as the easy comparison with different classes.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Devon McCarthy
Kansas State University
116 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 7853135039
and Co-Presenter(s)
Adrian Madsen, Sarah B McKagan
American Association of Physics Teachers

Eleanor C Sayre
Kansas State University