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Abstract Title: Upper-Division quantum students' development in physics and mathematics
Abstract: As part of a larger study on how students' mathematical skills co-develop with their physics identities, we examine students' problem solving in upper-division Quantum Mechanics.  We collected video data of students' in-class group problem solving sessions.  Using the Resources Framework coupled with discourse analysis, we look for violations of students' expectations in quantum mechanics and associated mathematics, then look for how they might have developed those expectations and how they resolve the violations.  In this poster, we present some case studies of students engaged with complex exponentials and oscillations, linear combinations of stationary states, and normalization for time-dependent wavefunctions.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: John D Thompson
Kansas State University
116 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 7853135039
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ulas Ustun, Carlos Trallero, Dean Zollman, Eleanor C Sayre
Kansas State University