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Abstract Title: Observing Teaching Assistant Differences in Tutorials and Inquiry-Based Labs
Abstract: Through the use of the Real-time Instructor Observing Tool (RIOT) we examine the differences in actions of multiple TAs in mini-studios, which combine student centered recitations with inquiry-based labs. TA actions observed include open or closed dialogue, passive or active observing, and clarifying or explaining to students. We observed five TAs teaching seven algebra-based first-semester physics labs to approximately 30 students per section. Individual TAs created an action profile that consists of the proportion of time spent on each action for that specific TA. These action profiles were found by averaging the duration of TA actions across multiple labs for a single TA. Surprisingly, with this method we found that TAs with a Learning Assistant tended to explain less and interact with the students less. We also found that there is a lack of consistency between the TAs in the overall time spent on each action.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Matthew Wilcox
University of Central Florida
4111 Libra Dr
Physical Sciences Building 430
Orlando, FL 32816
Phone: 4439059676
and Co-Presenter(s)
Caleb C. Kasprzyk, Jarrad W.T. Pond, and Jacquelyn J. Chini