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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Physics Content and Language Use in Student Lab Report Videos
Abstract: We aim to understand the development of student practices relating to the construction and evaluation of scientific communication. To this end, we included in our reformed introductory physics course a set of laboratory activities in which each student produced a five-minute video lab report and submitted it for peer review. In Spring 2014, 361 Georgia Tech students participated in this course and produced four lab report videos each. With this poster, we follow up on our previous work which established a semster-long improvement in peer grading accuracy with an analysis of the physics content of these lab report videos, the relationship between physics content and peer grade, and the language used by video authors when presenting physics content.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Scott Douglas
Georgia Institute of Technology
800 State St.
Atlanta, GA 30332
Phone: 4047906019
and Co-Presenter(s)
John Aiken, Georgia Institute of Technology
Shih-Yin Lin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ed Greco, Georgia Institute of Technology
Emily Alicea-Muñoz, Georgia Institute of Technology
Michael Schatz, Georgia Institute of Technology