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Abstract Title: Analyzing Student Evaluations for Gender Biases Ja’Nai Gray and Scott V. Franklin, Rochester Institute of Technology
Abstract: Student evaluations are an important part of tenure and promotion processes, and gender (or other) biases can have devastating consequences. We are analyzing ten years of student evaluations for faculty in five College of Science departments: math, physics, biology chemistry and imaging science. Our categorization rubric consists of seven categories spanning scholarship, organization/clarity, instructor-group interaction, instructor-individual student interaction, dynamism/enthusiasm, specificity and affect. Each category contains multiple positive and negative sub-categories, with statements coded into as many sub-categories as apply. (For example, positive sub-categories in scholarship include knowledgeable, challenging, professionalism, and articulate; negative sub-categories includes: too hard, unchallenging, opinionated, and unprofessional.)  This poster presents preliminary findings about frequency of comment types and differences between disciplines and faculty gender.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Ja'Nai Gray
Rochester Institute of Technology
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
Phone: 585-857-3642
and Co-Presenter(s)
Scott Franklin