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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Influence of Homework Problems on Exam Scores
Abstract: Does the type of homework assigned in an introductory physics course affect exam performance? In Spring 2014, two sections of algebra-based second-semester introductory physics were taught by the same instructor. Class-time for both sections focused primarily on building conceptual understanding, with minor emphasis on the mechanics of problem solving.  End-of-chapter problems were assigned to each of the two sections:  Section A was assigned 8-10 conceptual exercises; Section B was assigned 2-3 computational problems.  The alternate problem sets were recommended to students, but were not collected for grading. Three exams and a comprehensive final exam were given, each evenly weighted with conceptual and computational problems.  We anticipated that (1) students in the section requiring conceptual homework would perform better on conceptual exam questions than students required to submit computational homework and (2) students in both sections would perform equally well on the computational exam problems.   This poster will present our findings.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Kristi Concannon
King's College
133 North River Street
Dept of Chemistry and Physics
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711