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Abstract Title: Students’ engagement in modes of collaboration while solving problems in groups
Abstract: Group work is becoming increasingly common in introductory physics classrooms. Understanding how students engage in these group learning environments is important for designing and facilitating productive learning opportunities for students.  We conducted an exploratory study in which we collected video of groups of introductory physics students working on conceptual electricity and magnetism problems.  In this setting, students must negotiate a common understanding and coordinate group decisions in order to complete the activity successfully. We observed students engaging in several distinct modes of collaboration while solving these problems. Closer analysis of these observations has been focused on identifying these different modes of collaboration and articulating what defines each one. We present preliminary analysis of a small number of videos that will inform future work, including identifying new modes and determining how different modes may be related.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Marcos D. Caballero
Michigan State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Alanna Pawlak, Michigan State University
Paul Irving, Michigan State University