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Abstract Title: Easy steps to transform traditional lab experiments into ISLE labs
Abstract: At Oregon State University, we implemented ISLE (Investigative Science Learning Environment) based labs in our introductory calculus-based physics course.  Previously, the laboratory experiments for this course were traditional: students followed step-by-step procedures to investigate phenomena.  Students were told the theory behind the experiment and what data to collect, with follow-up questions meant to aid their comprehension.  Each of the experiments was kept, but instead of students being given an extensive lab packet, they were given a single sheet with guidance about generic procedures for investigating the relevant ideas.  In effect, the labs were fully transformed with very little time investment and no need for new equipment.  These labs were a main component to the course transformations that lead to increased normalized gains on the FCI.  This paper will discuss in detail how easily transform existing labs to ISLE-based labs, and possible impacts on the student experience including student learning.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Dedra Demaree
Georgetown University
3520 Prospect St NW #314
Washington DC, DC 20097
Phone: 541-207-4401