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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Physics Students in the Elementary School Classroom
Abstract: For the past two years, introductory physics students at Roger Williams University have teamed up with students from our school of education to help the fourth graders at Nathanial Greene Elementary School in Pawtucket, RI, put on their annual Science Night for students and families.  The goals of the program were to get our physics students (from mostly science and engineering majors) to think creatively about how to demonstrate basic physics concepts, how to teach these concepts to education majors and elementary school students, to expose our student population to a diverse and often challenging environment, and to hopefully get the physics students to think about future careers in education.  Our students mostly find the experience to be fun, non-threatening, and report it invigorated their love of science.  We report on the results from student surveys and reflections.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Adria C. Updike
Roger Williams University, Department of Chemistry and Physics
Department of Science and Mathematics
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809
Phone: 8642455802
and Co-Presenter(s)
Jennifer Pearce, Roger Williams University, Department of Chemistry and Physics