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Abstract Title: Successes and Challenges in Scaling-up NEXUS/Physics Labs: UMD and Beyond
Abstract: UMd-PERG's NEXUS/Physics for Life Sciences laboratory curriculum, piloted in 2012-2013 in small test classes, has been implemented in large-enrollment environments at UMD in 2013-Present, and adopted at several institutions (including TYCs, R-1 universities, and small 4-year colleges). These labs address physical issues at biological scales using microscopy, image and video analysis, electrophoresis, and spectroscopy in an open, non-protocol-driven environment. We have collected a wealth of data (surveys, video analysis, etc.) that enables us to get a sense of the students' responses to this curriculum at UMD. We also have survey data from some of the initial adopting institutions. In this poster, we will provide a broad overview of what we have learned and a comparison of our large-enrollment results and the results from "first adopter" institutions to the results from our pilot study. Special emphasis will be placed on successes and challenges accompanying this scaling-up, both at UMD and beyond.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Kimberly Moore
University of Maryland
and Co-Presenter(s)
Wolfgang Losert, University of Maryland
Nawal Benmouna, Montgomery College
James Vesenka, University of New England
Simon Capstick, Florida State University