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Abstract Title: Results from applying two different learning sequences with technology for the learning of electric circuits’ concepts: Simulations versus Intelligent
Abstract: In this work we show the results obtained by applying two learning sequences that used technology. In one group of students, we used interactive simulations combined with low-cost experiments. In the second group we used intelligent tutoring systems and traditional lecture instruction. The goal was to compare the effectiveness between these two learning sequences or to conclude that technology can be a benefit in both cases, based on the approach of applying a well-oriented methodology. The results demonstrated that the group with simulations was lower against the ITS group, comparing using normalized gain and concentration factor. Also a Likert scale test applied to identify ideas about students in the exercise of these kind of creatures
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Diana López-Tavares
Instituto Politécnico Nacional - CICATA Legaria
Legaria, No. 694
Col. Irrigación, Del. Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City
Mexico City, Non U.S. 11500
Phone: 15518189349
and Co-Presenter(s)
Daniel Sánchez-Guzmán, Instituto Politécnico Nacional - CICATA Legaria
Ricardo García-Salcedo, Instituto Politécnico Nacional - CICATA Legaria