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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Developing Definitional Ownership: Theory, Methods, and a Promising Activity
Abstract: Think back to your undergraduate experience: did you ever take a class where you had to craft a definition from the ground up? Many people would answer, "no," and yet, crafting definitions is an important skill across the STEM disciplines. There is also evidence that when students are handed definitions, they struggle to use them and sometimes even outright reject them as useful. I describe one promising definition-crafting activity for college physics students. I also propose a new construct: Definitional Ownership. I outline what strands might be important to this construct. I then focus methodologically on one strand of Definitional Ownership: the extent to which students actually use the words and phrases in their definitions in practice. The methodology is constructed for use on video data. It also focuses on definitions that are written in words and that have a purpose of helping their user in categorizing examples.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Angela Little
Michigan State University
1464 W Farragut Ave #2
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: 5038969406