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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Thinking in Physics – the book and the website
Abstract: This presentation describes features of a book published in 2014 by Pearson as part of its Educational Innovation Series.   Thinking in Physics is a new curriculum designed to reach more of those students who have the greatest difficulty learning physics. The book provides evidence that students' reasoning ability is strongly related to their learning in physics and describes ways for students to improve their reasoning and to achieve a better understanding of basic principles of physics.  The book also provides evidence for the effectiveness of the Thinking in Physics curriculum.   The book is intended only for instructors and is free for physics instructors.  Copies are available at the Pearson AAPT booth, from the Pearson website, or from local Pearson physics sales representatives.   The presentation also describes features of the Thinking in Physics website that provides free resources for both faculty and students.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Vincent Coletta
Loyola Marymount University Physics Department
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone: 310-338-7352