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Abstract Title: ISLE-inspired Design Laboratory Transformation at Princeton University: Year Two Results
Abstract: In an effort to enhance the traditional calculus-based introductory physics course at Princeton University, an Investigative Science Learning Environment[1] (ISLE) inspired lab transformation is underway. In its 2nd year, half of all 16 lab sections performed ISLE-inspired lab activities, while the remaining sections performed traditional lab activities. We strove for a random selection of students. To assess the effectiveness of the design labs, we conducted focus interviews of this year's students and continued interviewing last year's students. The primary questions are i) what are the long-term learning gains of the skills developed in design labs and ii) how is the lab experience of the students dependent on the instructor. We chose a variety of interviewees based on final first-semester grade, gender, and instructor. In this talk, we will describe in more detail the pedagogical approach used in the experimental sections and show results from the interviews.

[1] Etkina, E., and Van Heuvelen, A. Investigative Science Learning Environment – A Science Process Approach to Learning Physics (2007).
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Parallel Session: The role of design in labs

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Katerina Visnjic
Princeton University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Evelyn Laffey, Catherine Riihimaki, and Carolyn Sealfon
Council on Science and Technology, Princeton University

Invited Presentation

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