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Abstract Title: Evaluation of a Summer Bridge Program: Relevant Outcomes and Context
Abstract: Summer academic bridge programs often play a dual role of supporting students' academic and social integration in the transition from high school to college. Assessment of the impact of such programs tends to rely on self-reported student surveys and institutional records and often does not control for self-selection effects. Using multivariate-matching methods, this study examines the effect of a summer bridge engineering program on subsequent academic performance such as cumulative GPA. Controlling for selection effects, the analysis accounts for pre-college academic and demographic covariates and creates a matched control and treatment group. Within this well-controlled framework, we find no impact on selected academic outcomes, which resonates with other research findings. Viewed through the lens of Nora's student engagement model, we discuss social integration outcomes which can potentially assess indirect programmatic effects such as participation in a Learning Assistant Program and enrollment in reformed STEM classes.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Hagit Kornreich-Leshem
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33026
Phone: 305-348-7682
and Co-Presenter(s)
Eric Brewe, Zahra Hazari, Masoud Milani, Geoff Potvin, Laird Kramer

Florida International University