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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Paired teaching for faculty professional development in teaching
Abstract: Paired (or co-)teaching, in which two faculty are collaboratively responsible for all aspects of teaching a course, has been suggested as a method for the dissemination of evidence-based teaching strategies [1]. We report on five paired teaching arrangements, all involving a new or non-PER (Physics Education Research) faculty (the "novice") being paired with a faculty member experienced in PER-based methods (the "expert"). Using a variety of data, including structured classroom observations and post-semester interviews with the instructors, we address two questions: 1. What factors make for effective paired teaching arrangements? 2. How do these factors affect faculty development as instructors (learning about teaching) in these arrangements? We find that faculty learn in a variety of areas, including content knowledge about teaching and learning, skills knowledge (teaching practices), and attitudes towards teaching and learning, and we identify factors that influence this development.
[1] Henderson et al, Am J Phys 77: 274, 2009
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jared Stang
University of British Columbia
and Co-Presenter(s)
Linda Strubbe, University of British Columbia

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