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PERC 2015 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Spin First instructional approach to teaching quantum mechanics in sophomore level Modern Physics courses
Abstract: As part of ongoing research in teaching and learning quantum mechanics using the Spin First approach, we are investigating student learning of basic introductory quantum concepts in sophomore level Modern Physics courses at Cal poly Pomona. In the Spin First approach, postulates of quantum mechanics are introduced in the context of Stern-Gerlach experiments with discrete spin-half bases. We have collected QMCA posttest data for several sophomore level classes using either Spin First or traditional approaches in teaching quantum concepts. We will share the results and discuss the implications for instructors of introductory quantum courses.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Homeyra Sadaghiani
Cal Poly Pomona
Department of Physics and Astronomy
3801 West Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91791
Phone: (909)614-9753
and Co-Presenter(s)
James Munteanu

Contributed Poster

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