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PERC 2016 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Better Questions for Peer Instruction
Abstract: Peer instruction (PI) is an evidence-based strategy for developing students' conceptual understanding. In PI, students answer a short concept-question (pre), then discuss it with their peers, and finally answer the same question again (post). Question attributes can affect the degree that students will progress through the discussion. In this correlative study, we investigate how question-specific attributes relate to pre-post gains in correct answer choices. We consider question difficulty, content addressed by the question, and types of understanding needed to answer the question. We draw data from multiple groups of engineering students taking sophomore courses covering conservation principles. Through a web-based interactive platform, questions, student answer choices, and written justifications were collected. Preliminary analysis shows that questions of mid-level difficulty have the most absolute gain, and the easy items show the most normalized gain. Ongoing analysis includes classification of question content and written responses of students to relate those to gains.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Ying Cao
Oregon State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Dr. Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University

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