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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Improving student understanding of the many-particle Hamiltonian and stationary state wavefunction for non-interacting identical particles
Abstract: We discuss an investigation of student difficulties with the many-particle Hamiltonian and stationary state wavefunction for a system of non-interacting identical particles. The investigation was carried out in advanced quantum mechanics courses by administering free-response and multiple-choice questions and conducting individual interviews with students. We discuss the common student difficulties related to these concepts. These findings are being used as a guide for creating learning tools to help students develop a functional understanding of concepts involving the many-particle Hamiltonian and stationary state wavefunction for a system of non-interacting identical particles.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B81

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Chandralekha Singh
University of Pittsburgh
3941 Ohara st
university of Pittsburgh
pittsburgh, PA 15260
Phone: 4126874764
Fax: 4126249163
and Co-Presenter(s)
Christof Keebaugh, Emily Marshman