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Abstract Title: Assessing instructors with student grades: introductory physics
Abstract: We describe a project, now in its initial stages, to examine the effects of an individual instructor or populations of instructors on student performance in subsequent courses.  The project analyzes course grade data of students enrolled in introductory physics courses anytime from the fall term of 2012 through the summer term of 2017 at The Ohio State University, representing over 10,000 students and over 200 instructors.  The data includes grades in physics and math courses, cumulative GPA, standardized test math scores, and demographics such as major, race, and sex.  The project is ultimately aimed at answering: does a given instructor (or category of instructor) add value or under-serve students as measured by student performance in the subsequent course in the introductory physics series?  We will also present some preliminary results of the analysis.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B80

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Amber Simmons
The Ohio State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Srividya Suresh, The Ohio State University
Andrew Heckler, The Ohio State University