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Abstract Title: Quavers to Quadratics - An informal transdisciplinary physics & music programme.
Abstract: Quavers to Quadratics (Q2Q) is a interdisciplinary informal learning project that sees young children play with ideas common to physics and music. Children are guided in their play by undergraduate physics and music students who work as co-teachers with the class's teachers. Q2Q runs in Dublin, Ireland.

This paper will discuss how Q2Q has developed over the past 4 years. In particular, focusing on the impacts of co-teaching and interdisciplinary partnerships.  The perceptions of undergraduates, school teachers, children, and project coordinators will be presented and discussed through the lens of Communities of Practice.

Finally, we will discuss our current work to explore how Q2Q has affected the identities of the undergraduate students, which is of interest to the physics community, in our quest to better understand the impacts of informal learning. Our presentation will be designed to spark conversations on related issues and, potentially, collaborations.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C3

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Shane Bergin
University College Dublin
School of Education, UCD, Dublin 4, Ireland
Dublin, Non U.S. NA1
and Co-Presenter(s)
Claudia Fracchiolla, School of Education, UCD, Dublin, Ireland
Marita Kerin, School of Education, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Nigel Flegg, National Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland
Fiona Waters, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Emily Cox, School of Education, Trinity College Dublin & Royal Irish Academy of Music, Ireland

Contributed Poster

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