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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: A Controlled Study of Stereoscopic Virtual Reality in Freshman Magnetostatics
Abstract: The relatively recent advent of smartphone-based VR (along the lines of Google Cardboard) has reduced the cost/logistical barriers to large-scale use of VR in education, and opened up VR to larger-scale studies. We have continued our largest-ever controlled study of VR, by expanding into the topic of magnetostatics with 270 students enrolled in calculus-based freshman physics at The Ohio State University. This study focused on student understanding of magnetic fields and forces, including both traditional right-hand rules. Students were split into three treatments groups: VR, WebGL, and static 2-D images. Students were asked questions before, during, and after treatment. Here we present preliminary analysis including overall post-pre improvement among the groups, dependence of gains on gender, and previous experience with VR. Results on select questions are discussed.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B65

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Christopher Douglas Porter
The Ohio State University Department of Physics
2466 E Livingston Ave
Bexley, OH 43209
Phone: 6149005554
and Co-Presenter(s)
Joseph Smith, Amber Byrum, Chris Orban
The Ohio State University
Department of Physics