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Abstract Title: Appropriate Statistics for use with Distracter-driven Conceptual Evaluation Instruments
Abstract: When studying the effectiveness of different curricula, researchers often adminster a distracter-driven conceptual multiple-choice instrument or concept inventory to evaluate students' conceptual understanding before and after the different types of instruction. Many of the statistical tests commonly used by researchers to study these effects are parametric, which assumes an underlying assumption of a normal population.  However, because of the distractor-driven nature of these instruments, they do not meet this requirement. As they are non-parametric instruments, it is no longer appropriate to utilize parametric statistical tests, such as t-tests or factor analysis when analyzing the data. In this poster, the researchers present an argument for the non-parametric nature of any distracror-driven instrument, as well as present appropriate non-parametric statistical tests that should be utilized when analyzing results from these non-parametric conceptual evaluation instruments.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B52

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Rebecca Lindell
Tiliadal STEM Education Solutions
5 N 10th St
Suite A-1
Lafayette, IN 47901
Phone: 765-430-5688
and Co-Presenter(s)
Ethan Stanley
Patrick Kelly
Edward Redish