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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: PER Consultants Directory and consulting as a career path
Abstract: The PER consultants directory is a list of consultants with expertise in physics education research. These consultants can assist PIs and departments in accomplishing physics education projects that are outside their expertise or capacity, such as external evaluation, incorporating educational improvements, or specialized expertise for funded projects. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the PER consultants directory, and also discuss consulting as a career and how consulting can support others' project goals. If you are interested in PER consulting as a possible career path, or hearing about how you could use consultants to enrich your work, this presentation is for you.
Abstract Type: Symposium Talk
Parallel Session: Community Resources for Research and Collaboration
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Stephanie Chasteen
Chasteen Consulting