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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Communicating Wonderful Ideas
Abstract: Once a student has a "wonderful idea," what should she do with it? How can she get others excited about her idea? The undergraduate physics curriculum at Ithaca College offers many opportunities for students to learn and practice how to communicate physics. In our Advanced Laboratory course, students are challenged to write laboratory reports in the style of articles in the American Journal of Physics. I will present a series of tutorials and writing exercises that I developed for Advanced Lab to build students' written communication skills.  The tutorials include typesetting in LaTeX (with BibTeX), graphing in Matlab, and preparing diagrams using Inkscape. The exercises clarify expectations for writing abstracts, conclusions, and introductions (including referencing).  These skills are integrated with the laboratory experiments and scaffold in the first half of the semester to support students in producing well-written and beautifully formatted 3-5 page reports with integrated figures in LaTeX.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A89
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Kelley D. Sullivan
Ithaca College
953 Danby Rd
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 6072747065

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