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Abstract Title: What makes instructional development teams successful?
Abstract: Team-based change efforts are a promising model for improving undergraduate STEM instruction. However, current literature on this topic is limited. To address this gap, we are investigating the characteristics of such teams. Our research focuses on understanding teamwork processes, which are closely tied to team outcomes. We will show our emerging framework that explains how structural and contextual factors might influence teamwork processes. This framework is based on interview data from project leaders and pilot data from a subset of teams that represent the variety of teams in our dataset. We will also explore team members' perspectives on, for example, how their team processes were established, the nature of their collaboration, and how conflicts that emerged during their work were resolved. We will show how these perspectives informed the initial framework developed primarily from project leaders' interviews. We will then present recommendations for practitioners and researchers. Supported by NSF DUE #1525393.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A75

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Diana Sachmpazidi
Western Michigan University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Alice Olmstead, Western Michigan University
Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University
Andrea Beach, Western Michigan University