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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Student Cognition in Physics Group Exams
Abstract: When grading exams, professors often remark about how their students scored lower than they expected; mostly attributing their grades to a lack of studying or hard work. However, when viewed from a pedagogical perspective, the correct answer is never the most interesting one. When answering a single question, a single misconception may be identified, but with 'chains' of multiple questions on the same subject, students' logical consistency is assessed, and conceptual contradictions may rise. Given adequate time in a group collaboration environment, we believe that students' ability to process and overcome deeply nested misconceptions and sustain consistent logic will improve.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A79
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Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Timothy Sault
East Carolina University Department of Physics
1000 E. 10th Street
Howell Science Building C-209
Greenville, NC 27858
and Co-Presenter(s)
Hunter G. Close
Texas State University Department of Physics
Steven F. Wolf
East Carolina University Department of Physics

Contributed Poster

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