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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Comparative Experiments: Investigating student reasoning with pictorial and graphical data.
Abstract: We performed several comparative experiments exploring changes to students' response patterns and reasoning due to task variations. Students worked on tasks reasoning with sets of graphed and pictured data. We explored the effects of graph style (scatter vs. bar), graph data (numerical vs. percentage), question wording (abstract variables vs. physical variables), data change (countable vs. non-numerical variation), and time spent (required wait time vs. no wait time). These comparative studies showed several aspects of student reasoning with data. While most students will create a numerical bar graph when asked to make a graph, there is no disparity in students' skills interpreting other graphs. Also, students did better with the physical variables then the generic-math variables. Student correctness initially improves when students spend longer, but after feedback/training, students who answer faster are more correct. Lastly, some students struggle reasoning with pictured data that does not numerically change.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A9

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Jacob Cermak
Illinois State University
and Co-Presenter(s)
Amber Sammons, Raymond Zich, Rebecca Rosenblatt