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Abstract Title: Defining Productivity Using Student Objectives in an Informal Physics Program
Abstract: The structure of informal physics settings offers a unique environment for participants given the degree of control they have over their learning and engagement. This uniqueness allows for distinct affordances over formal settings due to participant's agency in navigating the material as they see fit and creating their own objectives. However, in the absence of evaluative measures, participant's freedom in informal settings to set and pursue their own objectives makes assessing their productivity non-trivial. To address the issue of defining student productivity, we compared explicitly-stated objectives with those inferred from in situ behavior  for participants in the Partnership for Informal Science Education in the Community (PISEC) after-school physics program. Examples of and evidence for productivity will be presented and implications for a student-objective definition of productivity for outreach program design will be discussed.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session I
Poster Number: A70

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Paul Reynerson
University of Colorado at Boulder
and Co-Presenter(s)
Brett Fiedler - University of Colorado at Boulder, JILA
Michael B. Bennett - University of Colorado at Boulder
Claudia Fracchiolla - Marie Curie Fellow, University College Dublin
Noah D. Finkelstein - University of Colorado at Boulder