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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Online Quizzes Predict Conceptual and Calculational Final Exam Scores
Abstract: We administered simultaneous online and on-paper weekly quizzes in introductory Newtonian mechanics. The written quizzes were traditional on-paper rubric-graded problems. The online quizzes were composed of approximately 10 questions, split between multiple choice and open response (numerical and symbolic). The overall grades on online quizzes predicted the final examination scores better than did the online quizzes (r=0.88 vs. r=0.76). Open response quiz grades correlated marginally better than the on-paper quiz grades with the traditional long problems on the hand-graded final exam. Significantly, multiple choice conceptually oriented online quiz grades correlated remarkably better than the weekly written quiz grades with conceptual questions on the final (r=0.82 vs. r=0.40). Thus online quizzes seem to measure conceptual and calculational skills distinctly. This enables us to investigate which type of knowledge is a better predictor of a student's future academic performance.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C17

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Byron Drury
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and Co-Presenter(s)
Sunbok Lee, University of Houston
Chandralekha Singh, University of Pittsburgh
David Pritchard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology