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Abstract Title: Community Resources for Research and Collaboration
Abstract: We recognize that our community has diverse skills and tools, and that when these are brought together, they can enable wonderful research. Come to this session to learn about several resources that can support you in your research and participate in a discussion with the leaders of these resources about other kinds of support you need as a researcher. We will highlight four resources including the PER Consultants' Directory, the PhysPort Data Explorer, the PEER Program and NSF funding. The PER Consultants Directory is a community-supported list of PERers who will assist diverse projects with program evaluation, data collection, reduction, and analysis; and focused research tasks. The Directory allows you to search for an evaluator or researcher by interests, seniority, or project scope; you can also list yourself to find new collaborations and contract work. The PhysPort Data Explorer pairs basic data analysis and intuitive visualizations for researchers developing or using concept inventories in their research. The Data Explorer also makes large anonymized datasets available to quantitative researchers trying novel methods or tests on existing instruments. The PEER program conducts field schools for emerging or isolated researchers who want to increase their research, paper-writing, and mentoring skills. As much of the research in our community is supported by the NSF, this session will also include a presentation by an NSF program officer on ideas for building collaboration and research programs supported by NSF funding.
Abstract Type: Talk Symposium
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II
Room: Congressional B

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: A. Madsen
American Association of Physics Teachers
and Co-Presenter(s)
M. Boylan, S. Chasteen, S. Franklin, E. Sayre

Symposium Specific Information

Presentation 1 Title: PEER: Professional Development Experiences for Education Researchers
Presentation 1 Authors: Scott Franklin, Eleanor C. Sayre, Mary Bridget Kustusch
Presentation 1 Abstract: To help foster the next generation of STEM education researchers, we have developed and conducted a two-part professional development model that combines intensive in-person workshops with long-term remote activities. Participants include emerging researchers at all career stages, including undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, junior faculty, and more senior faculty considering a change in research focus. In this presentation I will outline two versions of the model: a distributed workshop where participants gather from all over the world for two weeks in-person, then disperse for ongoing remote meetings; and a regional workshop, where we facilitate education research among participants who live near each other. In both versions, emerging and established education researchers work closely together to develop research questions, learn appropriate analytic techniques, and, when possible, explore data. Workshops attract participants from a variety of STEM education research communities and have taken place in multiple countries, including Rwanda, Germany, Mexico and the United States. I will lay out the model for professional development, describe the different contexts we have explored, and discuss various results from the different manifestations.
Presentation 2 Title: PhyPort Data Explorer: Online tools to help researchers with quantitative research around assessment
Presentation 2 Authors: Eleanor Sayre and Sarah B. McKagan
Presentation 2 Abstract: The PhysPort Data Explorer (www.physport.org/dataexplorer) is an online tool that helps you easily upload, analyze and make sense of assessment data, and compare your results to national averages. The Data Explorer can be customized to help individual researchers answer their own research questions by uploading their own custom assessments and running custom analyses. If you are a researcher using assessment data, come learn about how the Data Explorer online tools can enable new and interesting research, and make your current research easier and more efficient.
Presentation 3 Title: PER Consultants Directory and consulting as a career path
Presentation 3 Authors: Stephanie Chasteen
Presentation 3 Abstract: The PER consultants directory is a list of consultants with expertise in physics education research. These consultants can assist PIs and departments in accomplishing physics education projects that are outside their expertise or capacity, such as external evaluation, incorporating educational improvements, or specialized expertise for funded projects. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the PER consultants directory, and also discuss consulting as a career and how consulting can support others' project goals. If you are interested in PER consulting as a possible career path, or hearing about how you could use consultants to enrich your work, this presentation is for you.
Presentation 4 Title: NSF DUE Resources for Physics Education Research
Presentation 4 Authors: Myles Boylan
Presentation 4 Abstract: The NSF Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) has a long history of funding work in Physics Education Research. Come learn about the current DUE programs and what you should know when applying to these programs. The presentation will also discuss how the NSF DUE is supporting DBER more broadly, and work done on the status of PER. This presentation will be especially useful for early career researchers to learn from an NSF program officer about how to successfully apply for NSF DUE funding.