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PERC 2018 Abstract Detail Page

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Abstract Title: Illinois GPS: A platform for student-led initiatives
Abstract: The formation of Illinois GPS (Guidance for Physics Students) was entirely student initiated from its beginning, and the program continuously aims to create a community between undergraduates and graduate students where members can take ownership of their ideas but have support in their implementation.  The program was intended to act as an anchor for typically underrepresented students in the physics department at the University of Illinois by connecting undergraduates to graduate mentors and creating a collective welcoming space beyond those pairs to connect with others in the department. Many events are driven by student interests and leadership is open to any interested members, which has helped the program grow and shape itself around the needs of members. Typical types of events are academic/research based, social gatherings, community conversations around social barriers in STEM, and an annual retreat.  This poster describes the open leadership structure and shows the ways which our activities have transitioned from being mostly initiated by leadership to more member-driven and organized events.
Abstract Type: Symposium Poster
Parallel Session: Supporting Student Leadership and Ownership in Equity Work: Insights From The Access Network
Session Time: Parallel Sessions Cluster II

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Brianne Gutmann
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
and Co-Presenter(s)
Gloria Lee, Luis Miguel de Jesús Astacio,  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Invited Presentation

Invited Presentation: Download the Invited Presentation