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Abstract Title: Personas of undergraduate researchers
Abstract: Engaging in undergraduate research supports students' professional development in physics.  However, many departments struggle with how to pitch research projects to increasingly diverse student populations. In our research, we develop personas from interviews with undergraduate physics students to help departments design appealing, fruitful undergraduate research programs. Creating personas is a common user-centered design technique where a rich set of qualitative data is synthesized into person-like archetypes. Personas represent the key characteristics and motivations of the students and feel like real people yet protect students' identity better than pseudonyms and anonymized case studies. In this poster, we present the four undergraduate researcher personas: Louis, who wants to get competent and prepared for grad school; Maria, who would like to try research experience; Ashley, who likes to work with her favorite people; and Brian, who wants to get paid and get better future jobs.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session III
Poster Number: C15

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Tra Huynh
Kansas State University, Physics Department
116 Cardwell Hall, 1228 N. 17th St.
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: 9713309614
and Co-Presenter(s)
Eleanor C. Sayre
Kansas State University, Physics Department

Contributed Poster

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