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Abstract Title: Can we foster autonomy within Communities of Practice?
Abstract: Informal physics programs have been proposed as good spaces for physics identity exploration. They are community based but also engagement is voluntary, indicating an element of agency and autonomy in the action of participation. The community of practice framework (CoP) and self determination theory (SDT) describe mechanisms that facilitate identity formation. Both draw from the social context to determine identity formation. However, SDT incorporates elements of the individuality such as autonomy. In this study, we analyzed physics graduate student interviews to determine if we can identify the individual's sense of autonomy within this sociocultural setting, and if it is capture by the CoP framework. Preliminary results indicate that the element of autonomy is capture across the different mechanisms postulated by the CoP framework but it is very dependent on the CoP domain.
Abstract Type: Contributed Poster Presentation
Session Time: Poster Session II
Poster Number: B19

Author/Organizer Information

Primary Contact: Claudia Fracchiolla
University College Dublin
UCD, Belfield, 4, Ireland.
Dublin, Non U.S. Dublin 4
Phone: +353876392197
and Co-Presenter(s)
Kathleen Hinko, Michigan State University
Brean Prefontaine, Michigan State University